BW #31: Poverty
Get practice with Excel files, cleaning data, multi-indexes, window functions, and plotting
Window functions perform aggregate operations across either a growing number of rows or a "sliding window" of rows.
Get practice with Excel files, cleaning data, multi-indexes, window functions, and plotting
Get practice with CSV, dates and times, grouping, window functions, pivot tables, and plotting.
Get practice with CSV, dates and times, grouping, window functions, pivot tables, and plotting.
Get practice with Excel files, dates and times, window functions, and filtering
Get practice with Excel files, dates and times, window functions, and filtering
Get practice with CSV files, pivot tables, window functions, and plotting
Get practice with CSV files, pivot tables, window functions, and plotting
Get practice working with Excel, dates and times, multiple files, window functions, plotting
Get practice working with Excel, dates and times, multiple files, window functions, plotting
Get better at: Excel files, cleaning data, dates and times, string operations, sorting, grouping, window functions
Get better at: Excel files, cleaning data, dates and times, string operations, sorting, grouping, window functions
Get practice working with Excel files, cleaning data, formatting, window functions, and strings.