BW #89: Housing
Get better at: Excel files, joins, string manipulation, dates and times, multi-indexes, and plotting.
Pandas allows us to create a number of different plot types, using an API that wraps around Matplotlib. We can create line, bar, pie, scatter, and box plots, among others.
Get better at: Excel files, joins, string manipulation, dates and times, multi-indexes, and plotting.
Get better at: Excel files, multi-indexes, renaming columns, grouping, and plotting.
Get better at: Excel files, multi-indexes, renaming columns, grouping, and plotting.
Get better at: GeoPandas, grouping, and plotting
Get better at: GeoPandas, grouping, and plotting
Get better at: Working with Excel, dates and times, plotting, and using Great Tables
Get better at: Working with Excel, dates and times, plotting, and using Great Tables
Get better at: Grouping, pivot tables, sorting, plotting, and filtering
Get better at: Grouping, pivot tables, sorting, plotting, and fitlering
Get better at: Dates and times, grouping, pivot tables, plotting, and string methods.
Get better at: Dates and times, grouping, pivot tables, plotting, and string methods.
Get better at: CSV, filtering, regular expressions, multiple files, index operations, window functions, stack and unstack, multi-indexes, and plotting