BW #25: Entrepreneurship (solution)
Get practice with CSV files, pivot tables, window functions, and plotting
Pandas allows us to create a number of different plot types, using an API that wraps around Matplotlib. We can create line, bar, pie, scatter, and box plots, among others.
Get practice with CSV files, pivot tables, window functions, and plotting
Get practice with CSV files, pivot tables, window functions, and plotting
Get practice working with multiple files, comprehensions, grouping, plotting, and GeoPandas
Get practice working with multiple files, comprehensions, grouping, plotting, and GeoPandas
Get practice working with Excel, dates and times, multiple files, window functions, plotting
Get practice working with Excel, dates and times, multiple files, window functions, plotting
Get practice working with CSV files, plotting with Seaborn, sorting, multi-indexes, and pivot tables.
Get practice working with CSV files, plotting with Seaborn, sorting, multi-indexes, and pivot tables.
Get practice working with Excel, cleaning, multi-index, sorting, plotting
Get practice working with Excel, cleaning, multi-index, sorting, plotting
Get practice working with Excel, cleaning, stack and unstack, plotting
Get practice working with Excel, cleaning, stack and unstack, plotting