BW #109: Cacao nibs (solution)
Get better at: Excel files, dates and times, correlations, plotting with Seaborn, and window functions
Get better at: Excel files, dates and times, correlations, plotting with Seaborn, and window functions
Get better at: Excel files, dates and times, correlations, plotting with Seaborn, and window functions
Get better at: CSV files, dates and times, correlations, plotting, and pivot tables
Get better at: CSV files, dates and times, correlations, plotting, and pivot tables
Get better at: CSV files, dates and times, filtering, regular expressions, correlations, and plotting
Get better at: CSV files, dates and times, filtering, regular expressions, correlations, and plotting
Get better at: CSV files, PyArrow, multi-indexes, index operations, plotting, grouping, sorting, correlations, and joins.
Get better at: CSV files, PyArrow, multi-indexes, index operations, plotting, grouping, sorting, correlations, and joins.
Get better with: Extracting from PDF files, multi-indexes, comprehensions, cleaning data, regular expressions, using "apply", plotting, and finding correlations.
Get better with: Extracting from PDF files, multi-indexes, comprehensions, cleaning data, regular expressions, using "apply", plotting, and finding correlations.
Get better at: CSV, filtering, window functions, plotting, web scraping, regular expressions, index operations, correlations, joins
Get better at: CSV, filtering, window functions, plotting, web scraping, regular expressions, index operations, correlations, joins